MiBio.zip. by Francisco Lozada

My days are based on devising biz/personal solutions, creating solutions, and drinking mate.

From a young age, I started opening all the broken appliances in my house or my neighbors' houses and trying to fix them. Later, I switched from electronics to blacksmithing (welding). I took some classes and started selling products in advance to buy a welder and grinder. The same mindset ended up in creating niche websites and apps online.

Check out my profiles:

Personal projects

LecturaLibre - (Discontinued because of Play Store terms)


Give students access to 100% of Argentine school books.


LecturaLibre is a search engine that allows you to filter, download, and store books. Its web scraper collects over 600,000 books from virtual libraries (e.g., Biblioteca Virtual Universal).

How it works:

The front end and back end are developed in Flutter. It contains an internal SQL Database (SQLite). Via API calls, it downloads PDFs stored on the device's Google Drive reader, which is also used to read books.

The web page was created in HTML and CSS, then migrated to React to finish in Next JS (to guarantee the indexing of thousands of books).


9k downloads but very low user retention. The downloads are from the web.


This year, I rewrote the whole app as it was horribly written. I tried to make the search engine a full AI app. To be continued…


Clasicwebtools -


My playground for SEO and web. I bought the domain dreaming with affiliate marketing and ads. But it did not generate more than pennies. It focuses on technology searches and information systems.


The page had exponential growth in terms of traffic. Today, it has about 6k views per month.


CryptoBots - t.me/clasicwebtoolsbot (discontinued)


Filter and alert information on the cryptocurrency space (airdrops, stackings, liquidity pools, and other crypto-related events). It was primarily created to learn about firewalls, networking, websockets, and cloud computing.


The bot will notify me daily of airdrop releases, Binance stacking, price sentiment, etc.

How it works:

I had many scrapers pointing to pages like coinmarketcap, coin gecko, Binance, coinbase, and others in the industry. The bot was developed with Selenium Python and stored data in MongoDB.


Restock - Loom Explanations


My apartment is full of tech gadgets and Smart home automation. At that time, I became a fan of Google Assistant SDK to test things with my Google Home Mini.

The moment you purchase food is usually more important than how you cook. If you have healthy ingredients, you will make more intelligent choices. (Side note: I prefer to avoid shopping.) Having a list of the minimum things you need to cook weekly makes shopping easier. I compiled a database (Google sheet) with the minimum household stock and another with the consumed products. If you compare both tables, the result will show what you should buy.


A smart speaker that listens to you say the name and quantity of all consumed products and, at the end of the week, sends you an email with the list of the cheapest supermarkets so they can send it to your home.


You can save time and money on purchases, know the nutritional value of your stock, auto-generate stock based on professional recipes, see the expiration date of your products, and receive recipe suggestions, among other things.

The MVP saved the products consumed from the Google Mini and calculated what products were needed. The problem was that the supermarkets did not have public APIs, and their pages needed a better structure.


Constitution and Rights - (discontinued - stopped paying for the domain)


Most constitutions are lost PDFs on a web page. With a high authority domain, it is not very difficult to rank for each article's search and farm backlinks from other web pages.


I came across a large domain that had just expired in ExpiredDomains. From there, I began to develop it with a structure very similar to clasicwebtools to test whether there was search volume. However, I couldn't dedicate the time it deserves yet.


Juliet Reading / AutoReading - Youtube Channel


Julieta Lectura would provide thousands of unavailable audiobooks. A video that highlights the reading can be generated in real time with minimal effort, thanks to artificial intelligence.


Before Chat GPT, Microsoft had already developed many AI tools that allowed it to create revolutionary products. With many scripts in Python, I achieved all the parts of capturing the image and modifying the format to prepare the upload to YouTube. Then, with JS, I got the thumbnail image, description, specific keywords, and the rest of the required information from YouTube.



Copyright complaints make it difficult for the channel to stay active and grow.


2k subscribers. At its peak, it had 5k views daily with a 30-minute average duration.

Restobar (Shutdown)


  1. Helping restaurants cover their entire digital presence effortlessly
  2. Allow communities with dietary restrictions (gluten, lactose, meat, animal products, sugar, salt) to find suitable restaurants.


Restobar improved the eating-out experience for people with food restrictions.

People with restrictions such as celiac disease, lactose intolerance, veganism, diabetes, and more can use Restobar. It allowed you to search over 200,000 restaurant meals and access restaurant information, enabling you to find all local store menus and foods suitable for people with dietary restrictions. I achieved this through extensive collaboration with the restaurants, providing them with free digital coverage.

The application had multiple parts:

  1. It offers restaurants a platform that guarantees complete digital coverage. It generates their web page, QR menu, and link tree. Additionally, it provides their own WIFI QR, Google Maps review QR, and the ability to track their social networks.
  2. The food finder. With more than 1,000 restaurants and 200,000 restaurant products, you can filter by name, description, location, and dietary restrictions.
  3. They are loaded with information. The internet already has thousands of menus online. Restobar generates the restaurant account and automatically attaches the meals to your account through web scraping and many robots.

The app had a MERN (MongoDB/Express/React/Node) stack. The backend is hosted on a droplet on a Ubuntu Nginx server.


Plugin development within Bubble (Acquired by Zeroqode)

The low-code platform has its own functions and API connectors. But plugins unlock a whole new world for the platform by allowing the integration of third-party open-source libraries (three.js, D3.js, charts.js, etc.) or jQuery integrations. I develop Front-End (Client-Side) pieces to generate particular objects, such as charts or specific calculations. Other essential pieces are the backend (server-side) pieces I created here for cryptography ciphering.

Profitco Api
Dynalist Api
Google Sheet 2 Table
Google Drive Pro
Regex 101 Pro
Color Pro
Zip Code - No Key
Statistics Calculators Toolbox
Storage Units Conversion
Embed Google Form
Youtube Wath URL to Video Player
Network Tools - DNS
Complex Math Algorithms
Mouse to Element Distance
Minimal Pan Zoom Image
Bingo Ball Picker
Inactivity Refresh
Ultimate Currency Toolkit
Fake Data Generator
0x Cryto Api
Yes or No Random
Pulse an Element
Netflix Text Animation
Http Status Images
Animal Picture Generator
Type Writer Text Effect
Loan Calculator
Ko-fi Widgets
Buy Me a Coffee Widgets
Add Custom CSS to Site
Latex Mathml or Equation to Text
Custom Bar Chart for Row

Airtable Extension

UUID Generator and Decoder

Open source lists in GH

Awesome Appscript
Awesome Excel

Chrome extensions

Copy All the URLs

Lets users copy all the currently open tabs from chrome and reopen them by pasting the clipboard.

Copy All the URLs

On-Page SEO

Pulls most essential metrics of On-Page SEO. Tags, prepopulated tools, hierarchy,

On-Page SEO

Tu Inmobiliaria

It improves the experience of browsing properties on different sites. The initial version will help improve the functionalities of the current apps, but it will tend to be the CRM for property acquirers.

Random websites

All the tools need to analyse the metadata of files. Working on programmatic SEO and Next JS.

Pdf Metadata

I use a lot of online tools, I prefer to keep my data in my server. Each time I lookup for a tool online I try to build it in here with Next JS to avoid giving any image, string or query to some random on the internet.

Mini tools (ClasicWebTools)

Queres aprender a programar?

Empece una guia para mis primos con ideas y recursos para aprender a programar. Podes seguirlo informalmente por aca:

Programar desde 0

Voy cargando contenido a medida que van llegan a las metas.




Latam's largest vocational event that helps young people shape their future studies.


I started working at the beginning of the pandemic to digitize the event. I created bots with Python to collect school emails, and with JavaScript, I sent emails with personalized follow-ups to schools. We also redesigned the website. In this way, we increased from 500 attendees to 6000. With WordPress and YouTube, we were able to broadcast the event virtually. YouTube channels also grew exponentially.

In my second year, I focused on automating processes and selling places at the event to B2B cold emailing.




Software Factory specializes in low code.


During my time at Connex, I got to work on many projects with so many technologies, guided by great engineers. The consulting world is insane; I learned A LOT by managing +8 clients since week 2.

I used Zapier and make.com in the early days, but later, my web knowledge led me to become an expert on Bubble.io. Soon after, I also specialized in Node JS and React JS to boost the Low-Code world.


Open Music Exchange


Music streaming platform web3 (Spotify Crypto)


Due to my experience with products, they called me to do a general QA of the entire application, focusing on computing capacity. Still, my primary role was the user experience. This led me to culminate in the creation of the whole search algorithm for the platform and usability.

Plataform Value Buddy


Helped companies at early stages to value their company in no time.


I built a platform that lets the user share some insights about the company with a few questions. Our server generates financial metrics based on industry, country, and business-specific characteristics.

Fancy Apartments


Real estate locator de Huston, Texas


I consulted on digital processes within the company and potential improvements. Then, using low code and JavaScript, we pushed the barriers of business optimization and efficiency.



Software Factory specialized in app development in Bubble.io


I helped the technical team perform database migrations (MongoDB/Firebase to SQL/structured) and create data formatting algorithms within client platforms.



Recruiting agency based in Barcelona, specialized in tech jobs


I worked as a fractional CTO. I met every employee and tried to digitalize every part of the business to make the digital process as complete and automated as possible.


Created a Chrome extension that permits sourcers to show the profiles they already saw for each specific job listing. This helped to avoid the same sourcer contacting the same developer and avoid losing time looking at profiles you already saw. Similar to Google purple styling when already visiting a website.

Claro Cloud US

I helped migrate the website from Sitecore to Webflow; all the traffic and content had to fit precisely to avoid losing potential clients. The project was a huge hit, and the website's metrics were great. This was a big company with a lot of stakeholders relying on it. We then started migrating Claro's sub-websites to Webflow.



Finvisor is the complete solution for all your back office and financial needs. Accounting, accounts payable, accounts receivable, Compliance, CFO, R&D credits, etc.


The company has a ton of clients, services, and employees who are doing a lot of things. I was hired to create one app, but a lot has happened. I'm the only tech person on the team, and my responsibilities are: